KEC's broad built-in bias resistor transistors (BJT) allow for energy-efficient designs. Various packages are offered for quick switch time and switching conduction loss reduction, and are used for various applications such as automobiles, home appliances, cellular and data communications.
Complex transistors are products with two transistors mounted into a single package, that help to save design space and cut the number of parts in systems through various pin configurations and package lineups. KEC offers various complex transistor lineups for automobiles with the AEC-Q certification.
Darlington transistors, composed of complex structures of two integrated bipolar transistors, offer much higher power benefits than that of individual transistors, while saving design space through the usage of shared collectors. Darlington transistors are usually used in the output stages of audio amplifiers, power controllers, motor controllers, and display drivers.
BRT (Built-in bias resistor transistor) is a type of resistor used in digital circuit designs. The number of parts has been decreased and circuits are simplified to save space and costs. KEC offers BRT products in packages with the AEC-Q101 certification, for general and automobile use.
KEC's General Purpose Bipolar Transistor increases energy efficiency through low power and loss rates, and are offered in packages with the AEC-Q101 certification available for usage in automobiles