KEC has a wide variety of diode portfolios available for use in various fields and applications. The portfolio has been trusted by the customers for a long time and includes stable items such as protection diode, switching diode, zener diode, shottky barrier diode, fast recovery rectifier among others, as well as product lineups with AEC-Q101 certificates, available for use in automobiles.
KEC offers Ultra Fast Recovery Rectifier products (UFRD) suitable for quick switching. With THD Type packages, the products are suitable for various SMPs Solutions.
Effective for protection of various ICs and systems through low capacitance and high ESD content. KEC offers various protection diode product lineups for each package and broad operation voltage ranges, as well as products with the AEC-Q101 certification.
Diodes using schottky barriers occurring from joining metals and semiconductors. KEC offers various schottky barrier diode portfolio packages based on 2 structures from Planar and Trench products.
A general purpose switching diode for rectification and switching. KEC's switching diodes offer high reliability and are provided in various packages to be used in various applications. KEC provides switching diode lineups with the AEC-Q101 certification.
Zener diode to be used for static voltage circuits. KEC's Zener diodes are highly reliable and are provided in various packages with the AEC-Q101 certification.
KEC's SiC (Silicon Carbide) Shottky Barrier Diode is the next-generation power semiconductor that displays excellent performance without reverse recovery current and switching loss. KEC has a wide range of portfolios from 650V to 1200V, providing SiC SBDs suitable for various applications such as UPS, Solar Inverter, and EV Charging
KEC's Bridge Diodes has a portfolio consisting of a broad spectrum of voltage specifications and various SMD and THD type packages. As KEC's Bridge Diode is available for various applications, it is possible to recommend products suitable for customers.