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  KEC(表理事金学南、代表理事朴南奎)宣布对KEC官方网站(keccorp.com)进行了改版。KEC方面表示:“改版后,网站的构成更便于确认和搜索KEC拥有的各种产品组合,在进行本次改版的同时,我们还将KEC网站的官方域名从kec.co.kr改为keccorp.com。”改版后的KEC网站开发成了反应型网页,在手机和平板电脑上也能用最优化的UI接入。 以今年4月初与全球最大流通企业Arrow签约为起点,KEC加快了提升海外市场占有率的步伐。因此,改版后的网站不仅支持韩文,还支持英文、日文和中文,强化了产品搜索功能,让海外顾客得以更为便捷地查看KEC的产品信息。此外,网站还提出了KEC的愿景和企业哲学,给股东和投资者带来信赖感。 KEC代表理事朴南奎说:“改版后的网站,将重点放在方便海外顾客接触KEC的产品信息方面。此举将成为提升在韩国国内及海外市场品牌知名度的跳板。” KEC积极与全球家电及汽车制造商合作,不断构建具有竞争力的产品组合。此外,为了筹备电动汽车、5G网络/Server、新再生能源、Wearable IoT等未来市场领域,KEC正致力于加强产品组合,加快占领全球市场的步伐。 

News KEC强化LV MOSFET产品线,全面着手开拓汽车电气设备HVAC市场

◇ 引领汽车电气设备HVAC零配件国产化,为进军全球汽车电气设备芯片市场打下基础◇ KEC LV MOSFET新产品获汽车电气设备零配件可靠性评价标准AEC-Q认证,提高了产品的耐久性和稳定性KEC(代表黄昌燮,音)强化了Low Voltage MOSFET(以下简称LV MOSFET)产品线,着手开拓汽车空调系统(Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning:HVAC)市场。目前,KEC正作为合作厂商向韩国首屈一指的汽车制造商供应空调机,KEC的LV MOSFET产品KFS70N06K已完成了审批,其余3家主要车企也在进行批准的相关验证,产品获得批准后,韩国国内汽车生产规模(2019年为准)近80%的车辆将采用这一新产品。汽车空调系统(Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning:HVAC)是利用汽车内外部的空气流动和冷却水循环来净化汽车内部空气的装置。KEC的KFS70N06K产品将应用于空调系统的核心部件——电机驱动部(Blower Motor)。新产品KFS70N06K的耐久性和稳定性得到了大幅提升,获得了汽车电气设备零配件可靠性评价标准AEC-Q认证,相较于其他竞品,安全运行区域扩大了50%左右,满足最高175℃的额定温度,能够发挥维持车辆耐久性的核心作用。此外,本品还采用TO-247封装,是一款将防热特性发挥到极致的产品。KEC事业本部长朴南奎(音)表示:“截至目前,韩国汽车HVAC电机驱动器所使用的大部分零部件都来自外国产品,而这次通过新产品面市,有望实现零部件的国产化。本次开拓车用HVAC市场,将加快KEC提升汽车电气设备芯片市场占有率的速度,为攻占全球汽车市场打下基础。”KEC根据公司2019年成立50周年之际公布的中长期展望,为该企业跃升为专业的全球电力芯片企业加快了步伐。汽车电气设备芯片市场是KEC的重点业务领域,公司与全球电动汽车和现有内燃机汽车制造商积极开展合作,有望加快产品获批的速度,提升产品销量。此外,公司还致力于强化产品组合,以迎合5G网络/Server、新可再生能源、Wearable IoT等未来市场的需求。[KEC企业介绍]1969年,KEC由KEC HOLDINGS(韩国电子控股)成立,是一家与韩国电子产业共同谱写历史的专业芯片企业。2006年,该公司的芯片制造部门独立成为KEC。以非存储器电力芯片为中心,和韩国首屈一指的家电、汽车制造企业开展长期合作,同时不断提高对中国、日本、美国的出口比重。最近,为抢占汽车电力设备电力芯片市场,迎合瞬息万变的市场需求,公司在龟尾工厂投资建设了8英寸IGBT(电力芯片)和小型电子芯片零部件工序,还在海外工厂建造了新一代组装测试流水线,以快速响应汽车和工业用市场的需求,朝着全球电力芯片领军企业的目标加速迈进。

News KEC推出汽车电气设备与工业用闸级驱动器IC,宣布正式进军IC市场

◇ 推出内置调节器(Regulator)的三相MOSFET驱动器,实现汽车零部件技术国产化 ◇ 转型为提供分立芯片(Discrete)和IC(Integrated Circuit)的综合解决方案供应商◇ 通过推出新产品,将业务拓展至使用电机的普通家电和工业用市场KEC(代表黄昌燮,音)自主研发并推出了汽车和工业用闸级驱动器IC(Gate Driver Integrated Circuit)产品,宣布正式涉足IC业务。通过该产品,KEC成功掌握了全球汽车制造商需要的闸级驱动器IC核心技术,证明了自身的研发实力,正在逐步转型为提供分立芯片(Discrete)和IC(Integrated Circuit)的综合解决方案供应商。本次推出的产品为内置调节器(Regulator)的三相MOSFET驱动器(Three-Phase MOSFET Driver with Integrated Regulator)产品,作用是控制汽车发动机油泵和水泵的发动机驱动部件,让电力持续保持稳定。目前,韩国汽车市场完全依赖外国芯片,该产品的问世有望为零部件的国产化做出巨大贡献,该产品同时具备汽车发动机舱要求的高水平可靠性(AEC-Q100)和量产性。本三相MOSFET驱动器(KIB2040QN)使用了QFN-28封装,出于方便客户的目的,内部LDO电压设计了3.3V和5.0V两种。一次可以控制6个功率MOSFET,能够控制发动机电力和信号持续保持稳定。在性能方面,与外国领先企业的产品不相上下,作为优秀的汽车电气设备产品,其可靠性得到了验证,正在向国内外的电动汽车产商进行推广。除汽车外,本产品还可以适用于工业用电动工具(e-Tool)、空气压缩机、真空吸尘器等多种电机Application。据预测,截至2025年,全球闸级驱动器IC市场有望实现6.3%的CAGR(年均增长率),发展成为规模达20亿美元的市场。除了汽车市场,KEC计划还将业务拓展至使用电机的普通家电和工业用机器市场,从而提高在全球市场的占有率、销售额和利润。KEC事业本部副社长朴南奎(音)表示:“过去50多年来,KEC在芯片市场打下了坚实的商业基础。此次通过正式推出汽车Gate Drive IC新产品,KEC上升到了不仅能向原有客户提供分立芯片(Discrete),同时还能够供应IC综合解决方案的阶段,我们将通过持续供应高密度、高效率(High Density & High Efficiency)的电力芯片和解决方案提升利润,继而巩固高附加值的KEC品牌形象。”2019年,KEC在发布中长期展望和事业发展蓝图后,招募了优秀的核心工程人才和专业营销人才,努力扩大营销渠道,全力实现未来增长。以全球电动汽车和现有的内燃机汽车制造商、白色家电、5G网络Server、新可再生能源、Wearable IoT客户为对象研发并推出新电力芯片产品,致力于解决方案化,不断努力实现强化产品和业务组合的战略。

News KEC获批为国内家电企业批量生产SJ MOSFET 销售额有望实现增长

芯片专业企业KEC宣布,在近期推出的电力芯片产品中,Super-Junction MOSFET(以下称“SJ MOS”)产品群获得了适用于国内龙头家电企业2021年主力产品型号的批量生产许可。SJ MOSFET产品群的平均销售价格至少是小信号产品SSTR、Diode的20倍以上,预计将大大拉动KEC销售额的增长。KEC的电力芯片新产品在性能和质量方面的优越性,赢得了国内显示器、家电、电子设备和汽车制造商的认可。SJ MOSFET产品群是确保电力用芯片必备的高能效和系统可靠性的最佳产品,被评价是在性能、品质和技术服务方面领先于最近用于家电产品的著名外国芯片的产品,获批用于2021年度的主要产品开发型号。KEC事业本部副社长朴南奎(音)表示:“过去50年,KEC以SSTR、Diode作为主打业务,与国内外著名企业建立了信赖关系。在此基础上,除了大电力Discrette产品群SJ MOS和IGBT之外,还计划大举推出采用Gate Driver IC和Power IC及SiC、GaN的高附加值新产品。除了国内市场,公司还以全球市场为目标,致力于拓展R&D和营销、营业渠道。本次适用于国内家电市场的SJ MOS产品群预计最早会在今年10月底开始出厂。SJ MOS产品的平均单价比小信号产品高出20-30倍。IGBT比小信号产品单价高出100倍以上的产品正在接受汽车制造商的量产验证。预计此举不仅对销售,还将对提升利润和完善业务结构发挥相当大的效果。此外,由于市场需求大于当初的预计,所以公司在设备投资和质量管理方面齐头并进,全力保障顺利供货。”表现出了对商业成功的信心。

News KEC Signs Power Semiconductor IGBT Foundry Contract with CSMC of China

 On the last 5th, KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, disclosed that it has signed a next-generation power semiconductor IGBT foundry contract with CSMC, the representative foundry company in China, at the end of the last month. To respond to IGBT market the demand on which is rapidly increasing recently, KEC signed a foundry contract with CSMC, one of the top 5 foundry companies in China, and through that contract, KEC secured productive capacity based on the state-of-art production technology, while simultaneously making the ground for entrance to overseas markets, including China. Since the first IGBT mass production in 2008, KEC has been recognized for its technical capabilities including development of high-efficiency reverse conducting IGBT with unique trench gate field-stop technology applied, and it has been promoting active marketing activities in industrial product market and electronic parts and materials market, as well as consumer appliance market. Meanwhile, KEC is expanding the scope of their business from end user purpose IGBTs including IH (Induction Heating), inverter Microwave Oven, and PFC (Port Flow Control of drive power converter), to industrial power semiconductors including components of servo motor, UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply), and IPM (Intelligent Power Module), through foundry with CSMC. Based on that, KEC is setting the long-term objective to dominate the markets of power semiconductors including EV charger, ESS, PTC heater, and solar for automotive and power purpose. KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), ), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, is an electric component manufacturer company which has been focusing on semiconductor industry for 49 years since its establishment at 1969, and its technical capability has been recognized by prestigious Korean and overseas electronics companies. To keep up with the waves of the 4th industrial revolution, KEC is making changes from consumer market including smart phone and appliances to automotive and industrial semiconductor company and is consolidating the foundation 

News KEC Participates in 2018 Korea Electronics Show, Introducing Key Power Semiconductor Products

KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang ), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, is participating in 2018 Korea Electronics Show (KES), currently held at Coex, Samseong-dong. KES is an event which is held along with Semiconductor Exhibition (SEDEX) and International Display Exhibition (IMID) as a part of Korean Electronic Industry Exhibition. It is the unquestionable Korea’s representative IT exhibition in which 500 Korean and overseas companies participate and 70 thousand guests visit. In this year’s event, KEC is intensively introducing power semiconductor products along with electronic parts and materials, especially focusing on SGT MOSFET, low EMI type SJ MOSFET, RC IGBT, and SiC SBD/MOSTET, which are the new products with new technologies applied. New products exhibited in this year’s event are products with less losses and better reliability compared to the previous products. And KEC mentioned that KEC, which has been leading small signal semiconductor sector, is preparing to reborn as an expert company specialized in power semiconductor for next 50 years. They also mentioned that they are planning to reinforce global marketing activities based on high value added, as well as product technical capability, and renew the foundation as power  semiconductor company. KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, is an electric component manufacturer company which has been focusing on semiconductor industry for 49 years since its establishment at 1969, and its technical capability has been recognized by prestigious Korean and overseas electronics companies. To keep up with the waves of the 4th industrial revolution, KEC is making changes from consumer market including smart phone and appliances to automotive and industrial semiconductor company and is consolidating the foundation.

News KEC Introduces High-Efficiency Reverse Conducting IGBT Optimized for Inverter Microwave Oven Application

KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, introduced 1100V/30A, 1200V, and 1350V reverse conducting (RC) IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor), in which concentrated reverse conducting diodes are forming a monolithic through their unique trench gate field-stop technology. Previous IGBTs were in “two-chip, one-package” form in which separated diode chip is installed, but the newly developed IGBT is in “one-chip” form in which diode is installed within IGBT chip itself. This product is the one to make another advance in the performance of KEC IGBT. It is optimized for soft switching application systems including inverter microwave oven. Compared to the previous products, it lowers switching loss by 30 at most. It allows developers utilize high frequencies up to 60kHz, and such advance enables cost reduction in overall system, as efficiency could be raised to 93percents at most and inductor used in the system could be miniaturized Guaranteed maximum operative temperature capacity at 175℃ reduced power loss in higher surrounding temperature and provides better reliability. Also, as spike current at turn-on is lowered by 15, stress inflicted on passive elements in the system is reduced, and desirable EMI property could be acquired. KEC is supplying the introduced reverse conducting IGBT from the 3rd quarter of 2018, and will actively promote occupation of Japanese inverter microwave oven market. The person concerned mentioned that KEC is planning to mass produce 10 million units of the new product annually, and 9 million dollars annual revenue growth is expected. KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, is an electric component manufacturer company which has been focusing on semiconductor industry for 49 years since its establishment at 1969, and its technical capability has been recognized by prestigious Korean and overseas electronics companies. To keep up with the waves of the 4th industrial revolution, KEC is making changes from consumer market including smart phone and appliances to automotive and industrial semiconductor company and is consolidating the foundation  

News Executive Director Geun-soo Ryu at KEC Wins Ministerial Award on the 45th Trade and Industry Day

Executive Director Geun-soo Ryu at KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, won Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Award at “the 45th Trade and Industry Day” ceremony. Executive Director Geun-soo Ryu entered KEC in 1989, had served in Department of Production and Department of Materials, and is currently working as the Director of Production Division. His contributions to 2.7 billion KRW cost reduction and increased productivity through process integration and productivity innovation, and peaceful negotiation without any strike for 7 consecutive years through establishment of new negotiation customs based on harmony between employer and employee and outstanding leadership as the head of Gumi factory complex in which 700 employees work have been recognized. Also, as his contribution to local community through volunteer work in local sanitarium, cleaning in local parks, and river purification works was also recognized, he was granted the honor of winning Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Award in the Best Manager part. Executive Director Geun-soo Ryu mentioned, “It is an honor that I was granted such a meaningful award which has been awarded to excellent businessmen.”, and he also said, “Facing the upcoming 4th industrial revolution, every employees at KEC will make an endeavor to secure higher competitiveness in semiconductor industry, as well as to contribute to local development in Gumi.”

News KEC Is Designated for National Task for Development of Key Component in Next-Generation Power Semiconductor for Electric Automobile and New Renewable Energy

KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, mentioned that the company has been designated for national task for development of 1200V trench type SiC MOSFET device for electric automobile and new renewable energy device for electric automobile, which is the Key Industrial Technology Development Project conducted by Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy. The purpose of this national task is to secure Korea’s global competitiveness through localization of future growth dynamics in materials and parts industry and develop and commercialize the next-generation power semiconductor (SiC) essential for eco-friendly automobile and new renewable energy industry which will lead the 4th industrial revolution. Especially, it was told that as the next-generation power semiconductor (SiC) is national key project, institute with the best possibility of commercialization was designated. Personnel at KEC mentioned that “It is expected that through this national project, both energy consumption reduction and stability essential for electric automobile and eco-friendly renewable energy industry could be achieved, through weight lightening and higher efficiency of components which handle high temperature, velocity, or output secured through SiC, the next-generation semiconductor material with fine material property.” The personnel also mentioned that “It is expected that this could be the chance to secure national competitiveness in the next-generation semiconductor material sector through localization of SiC power semiconductor the entire amount of which is currently imported, and enhance corporate value through preoccupation of electric automobile market and eco-friendly energy market which are expected to grow much further.” It is expected that KEC would be able to not only expand its ground in electric automobile component market but also secure technical capability equivalent to that of prestigious overseas competitors, through securement of core technologies in electric automobile electronic parts and materials sector and industrial semiconductor sector, triggered by this designation for national task for the next-generation power semiconductor and commercialization of BMS diode module for electric automobiles KEC recently developed in joint development with LG Chem. KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, is an electric component manufacturer company which has been focusing on semiconductor industry for 49 years since its establishment at 1969, and its technical capability has been recognized by prestigious Korean and overseas electronics companies. To keep up with the waves of the 4th industrial revolution, KEC is making changes from consumer market including smart phone and appliances to automotive and industrial semiconductor company and is consolidating the foundation.

News KEC Accelerates Electric Parts and Materials Business… Participating in 2017 Korea Electronic Show Electronic Parts & Materials Pavilion

KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, mentioned that it is participating in Electronic Parts & Materials Pavilion at 2017 Korea Electronic Show, which is currently held at Coex, Samseong-dong. At Korea Electronic Show, as convergence of automotive industry and IT industry expands, world-widely prestigious automobile company had opened a booth in Electronic Parts & Materials Pavilion, for their first time, and Automobile Convergence Alliance Pavilion and Electronic Parts & Materials Pavilion are suggesting future prospects for convergence of automobile industry, electronics industry, and IT industry. KEC is introducing its achievements, from development of Korea’s first alternator diode in 1999 to MOSFET for eco-friendly and industrial hybrid automobiles and recently developed BMS diode module, by categories. The person concerned indicated the KEC’s vision to contribute to the localization of automotive components, as a Korean company which has been focusing on semiconductor industry for 49 years since its establishment at 1969, mentioning “Like completing the joint development of key components for electric automobiles with Korean automobile companies and material suppliers and being designated for the national task for development of SiC material for electric automobile, KEC is accelerating its takeover in world electric automobile component market.” KEC (President Chang-sup Hwang), a company specializing in non-memory semi-conductors, is an electric component manufacturer company which has been focusing on semiconductor industry for 49 years since its establishment at 1969, and its technical capability has been recognized by prestigious Korean and overseas electronics companies. To keep up with the waves of the 4th industrial revolution, KEC is making changes from consumer market including smart phone and appliances to automotive and industrial semiconductor company and is consolidating the foundation.

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